How To Submit a Dealer Application

Sign into FC’s registration portal

Start by signing into (or creating an account at)

Submitting Business Information

Once signed in you will see a navigation bar on the left. Select “Vendor” and you will be presented with a page to enter all of your business information.

Screenshot of the top of the Business Info page from
Screenshot of the bottom of the Business Info page from

Please fill in as much information as possible. We have put informational fields to help explain what we are looking for under each category.

Seller’s permit

If you already have a California’s Seller’s Permit, please provide that information. You are not required to have a valid permit to apply, but you will need a valid permit prior to the start of the convention. If selected, you should apply for a permit around November, as the temporary permits are only good for 3 months. We will confirm that all Seller’s Permits are valid in advance of the convention.


If you are applying for space at both the Dealers Den and Night Market, please select all of the products or services you intend to sell across both of them.

Table Setup

You can enter up to 4 images of your Table Setup. The intent is to show us how you will use any space allotted. These can be hand drawn, photos from past conventions, or even a mocked-up setup in your own home.


For Portfolio, please provide us with an easy to access a portfolio of your work. Please assume we do not have an account on any social media platform; therefore, please avoid using social media sites as we may not be able to view your work. We suggest uploading your work into a google drive folder and sending us a shared link (NOTE: make sure it’s set to “anyone with the link”!).

Submit Business Information

Once you fill in all your information, make sure to hit “Submit” at the bottom of the page! You will be able to go back and edit this information at a later time before the close of submissions if needed.

Creating a Vendor Hall Application

You will see the following screen after hitting “Continue” on the business info page. You may notice a blue bar at the top that says “You haven’t yet submitted an application this year. Apply for one of the areas below”. This lets you know that you now need to create an application in one of our vendor halls (e.g. Dealers Den, Night Market, Artist Alley).

From here, select what part of the convention you are applying for. You can select one, two, or all of them. Applying to one does not impact your application for another with one exception: if you are accepted to the Dealer’s Den, you will not be eligible for Artist Alley.

Screenshot of the Dealer Application page from

Submitting a Vendor Hall Application

Clicking the Create button for one of these applications will bring you to a page like the picture below. Please input any special requests (e.g., preference for a wall space because you will have multiple boxes of book inventory). Special requests are not guaranteed.

Screenshot of the Dealer Application form after you click the Create button on

Please select the table type that BEST fits your needs from the drop down selector. When your application is being judged we will be looking at how well you make use of space. Please be aware that we have a limited number of spaces available, and in particular are very limited on how many Double Tables and Booths we can allocate.

Please check the “Power” box if you require electrical outlets for your table and setup. Please note that there is an extra charge for the power drop. If you are only intending to use power for things like recharging your phone, battery banks will be available as loaners from Dealer Services.

Once everything has been entered and selected, please hit “Submit.”

After hitting Submit, the page will refresh and you should see the following screen.

Screenshot of a submitted Dealer Application form that you should see after submission.

Confirm your application was submitted

Now click “Go back” and you should be at the Dealer Application page again (if you have trouble, click the “Vendor” link in the sidebar). If your application was submitted successfully, the Dealer Application page will look like the following image. Please note the “Pending Approval” next to the Dealers Den option.

Screenshot of a submitted Dealers Den Application on the Dealer Application page that you should see at

Now you can kick back and rest your paws - you are done with your application (well, unless you want to apply for the Night Market or Artist Alley as well; in which case, click Create for any of the other vendor halls you are interested in).

Additional Questions

If you have any questions, need additional help, or want to double check that your application went through, please email us at