Reserve a Hotel Room
Hotel Reservations status is: CLOSED
The FC2025 room reservation has concluded. Keep an eye on social media for updates on the lottery system and room bookings.
How the Hotel Lottery Works
tl;dr: Register for the con, sign up for the hotel drawing, come back to the booking site if you’re notified that you were selected to book a room, and complete your room booking.
The lottery occurs in multiple phases: Signups, drawing, and booking. We will run multiple rounds of the lottery, so even if you don’t get a chance to book a room initially, you will have a chance later on in the cycle. See the schedule below for more details.
Entering the Lottery
To enter the hotel lottery, you must have a paid attending registration. Supporting / Non-Attending registrations will not be eligible. You can register and complete your checkout at Once you have completed your registration, you will be able to log into the hotel booking site (linked at the top of this page once booking starts) using the same email and password you used for your convention registration.
When signups are open, you have the option to register your interest in the lottery on the hotel booking site (linked above once booking starts), giving you a chance to book a room during the next booking period. Remember that you must be registered with the con before entering the room drawing. Registrations are refundable upon request, in case you don’t get picked or change your mind about attending. All registration levels have an equal chance of being picked; higher level registrations do not increase your chance of being selected to book a room.
The timing of the lottery is as follows:
- Signups will begin at 8AM PST on the respective days, and will close at 11:59PM PST.
- Once signups have been concluded, winners will be emailed starting at 12PM PST on the selection days. Once you receive your email, they are First Come, First Serve, so please ensure you’re ready to check your inbox.
Getting Picked / Booking Your Room
After signups are closed, we will perform the drawing. Anyone chosen to be able to book a room will receive an email, but you can also check the booking site to see your lottery status. If you have been picked, you will have a few days to book your hotel room (see the timeline below). The lottery guarantees that you will be able to book some hotel room, but not a specific hotel room - those who book earlier in the booking period may have a wider selection of room types than those who book later. This is a unique link to yourself.
The booking site will take you to Passkey, which is the same system we’ve used in past years for hotel bookings. It’s okay to leave Passkey and come back later; your booking slot will not expire until the end of the current booking round. You can book only one room when selected for the lottery (in order to give a fair chance to all attendees). Remember that the hotel will charge a one-night deposit some time after you book your room - see the main hotel page for details.
If you are not picked as part of the lottery, you will have to sign up for the next lottery round (when it opens), or wait for first-come first-served rooms once all rounds of the lottery complete. Before signing up for another round, consider checking if you can room with a friend who did get picked.
After the Lottery
We will run multiple rounds of the lottery. Once all rounds are complete, any remaining rooms will be dispensed on a first-come first-served basis, as they have been in past years. Remember that the hotel’s inventory changes throughout the year, so if you can’t book a room first-come first-served on a particular day, it’s always worth checking back later to see if more rooms are available. We will also announce a major change in availability via social media.
Hotel Lottery Schedule
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